About Imperial Events Security Services

Imperial Events Security Services (IESS) is a specialized player in the dynamic and multifaceted venue security industry. With an experience that spans decades, IESS has honed its expertise to offer a focused approach to event security, distinguishing itself from its competitors by concentrating on conventions, trade shows, festivals, and concerts.

IESS's strength lies in its deep understanding of venue security dynamics, which is evident from the way they leverage their consistency in managing recurrent events. Their ability to scale up for large events while providing staff with real-world event experience positions them as a reliable choice for event planners seeking seasoned professionals. The company's emphasis on developing and executing custom security plans in close collaboration with clients ensures that each event's unique security needs are met without compromising on the overall success and flow.

One of the standout features of IESS's service offering is their management team's involvement in every major event they service. Unlike firms that may simply supply staff, IESS comes to the site with a comprehensive plan, adequate resources, and the capacity to operate autonomously. This hands-on approach is reassuring for clients who are looking for a security partner rather than just a service provider.

Additionally, IESS's commitment to building security programs for events in various cities, coupled with their network of contacts throughout the country, suggests a national reach with a local touch. This can be particularly advantageous for clients with multi-city event schedules who require a consistent quality of service across different locations.

For those concerned with the complexities of event security, such as crowd management, emergency response, and the integration of technology with traditional security measures, IESS demonstrates a competent understanding. Their ability to deploy resources like golf carts, bicycles, marked vehicles equipped with lightbars, and even a mobile command center speaks to their preparedness and adaptability.

While the information provided does not detail the specific technologies or innovations IESS employs, it is clear that their operational prowess is a core component of their service. Prospective clients in the venue security services space would benefit from a discussion with IESS to understand how their technology solutions might align with specific event needs.

In summary, Imperial Events Security Services presents itself as a stalwart in the venue security sector with a particular knack for event security. Their proactive management, scalable solutions, and nationwide network make them a compelling option for event organizers. The company's dedication to client-specific security planning and on-ground management involvement sets them apart, offering peace of mind and a partnership-oriented approach to security.

Products and Services

Imperial Events Security Services offers a comprehensive suite of specialized event security solutions, including scalable services for conventions, trade shows, festivals, and concerts, complete with experienced staff, strategic planning, and the necessary resources to ensure the safety and success of any size event.

Event Security Guards

Specialized security services for managing events such as conventions, trade shows, festivals, and concerts with the ability to scale up for large events and provide experienced venue staff.

Conventions Security

Expertise in being the primary event security services provider for various types of conventions, ensuring a security plan that meets client needs and event success.

Trade Shows Security

Offering staff round the clock for trade shows, including posts like badge checkers, dock security, rovers, ticket takers, booth security, and registration personnel.

Festivals Security

Equipped to handle festivals or outdoor events of any size with necessary resources such as golf carts, bicycles, marked vehicles, and mobile command centers, along with a management team that works every major event.


  • Focused solely on event security with a strategic approach to handling unique events

  • Highly regarded in the mid-Atlantic region for their tailored security solutions

  • Positive media coverage and a strong portfolio highlighting their event security expertise


  • As a specialized event security provider, may have limited services outside this niche

Getting Started

Engaging with Imperial Events Security Services means you'll receive quality event security services with an emphasis on strategic planning and execution. They will likely discuss your event specifics to tailor their security solutions effectively. The company’s expertise in managing unique events and venues suggests a personalized onboarding experience. To get started with Imperial Events Security Services, visit their website to send an email inquiry or call them for a direct consultation. If their service doesn’t quite meet your expectations, you can always check out other companies in our rankings.